I must apologise for the site being down and also for the lack of updates, but for the last two years I have been having health and family problems and slowly getting back to normal.
Though I am now a full-time carer for my XYL which takes up a lot of my time, I am still willing to help anyone with their journey into learning Morse code.
I am still available for club talks though I am limiting it to Lincolnshire at the moment due to my present circumstances so please contact me for more information.
The National Hamfest 2018 is a good place to meet up with myself and Martin Farmer G6BD and we will both be taking the On Demand RSGB Morse Tests as usual and as we are both very experienced military Morse operators and Registered RSGB Morse Assessors we tend to treat the Morse Tests as an assessment of your proficiency and willing to spend some time with you. We are both very friendly and don’t bite, so come along and book a test from us and get some good advice at the same and best of all it is FREE.